Our Impact

Our impact at Genius Lab is truly remarkable, and we are proud to have impacted over 2,900 young people since our inception in 2014. We believe in the power of T.EA.M.S. (Technology, Entrepreneurship, Arts, Math, and Science) and are dedicated to introducing young people to these fields to help them discover their passions and unlock their full potential.

Our impact extends beyond just the number of young people we have served. We are thrilled to report that more than 500 mobile apps and 300 websites have been built by our participants since 2014. In addition, more than 60% of our participants have started their own business in the IT industry, which has led to the creation of 326 jobs. These jobs have been entrepreneurial start-ups by Genius Lab alumni, as well as with Fortune 500 companies like IBM and AT&T.

Join us on our mission to change the lives of young people around the world through T.EA.M.S. education. Learn more about our programs and how you can get involved today.



Jobs created

We are thrilled to report that more than 500 mobile apps and 300 websites have been built by our participants since 2014. In addition, more than 60% of our participants have started their own business in the IT industry, which has led to the creation of 331 jobs. These jobs have been entrepreneurial start-ups by Genius Lab alumni, as well as with Fortune 500 companies like IBM and AT&T.



communities served globally

We are proud to have served more than 31 communities globally, including students from Chicago, St. Louis, Mexico, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and 14 countries in Africa. We are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of young people around the world, and we are excited to continue to expand our reach.



geniuses served

At Genius Lab, we believe that every young person has a genius inside of them waiting to be discovered. That is why we are dedicated to introducing our participants to T.EA.M.S. and providing them with the tools they need to succeed in life. We are proud to have served over 3,541 geniuses since 2014, and we are excited to continue to impact even more young people in the years to come.